Important stuff for the benefit of reporters and the general public alike at which explains how judges use family court as a full employment act, for attorneys, therapists, visitation agencies, and of course the ever-present, "anger management" classes which, by the way, have proven ineffective.
However, Phil Bronstein is macho man; and as such the male dominated media continues to not source a "beat" reporter in family court, the ONE court most of the population visits.
So, because media doesn't know what it doesn't know, what's completely missed is how police departments profits from "domestic violence." (Male dominated media doesn't call murder, murder. It's domestic violence.)
Neither does male dominated media report how the stress of family court push parents, or the "significant other" to the breaking point, so much so they kill their children, or the children of their "loved ones."
See which lists the killings alphabetically, by state.
And male dominated media misses covering family court for what it is; a business
The courts are quite pleased both the Father's rights groups, and Mother's rights groups distract from the fact judges continue acting as sales reps for every attorney, therapist, supervised visitation monitor and "anger management" non-profit to come down the pike; making the divorce industry a full employment act for all involved...funded by those weary souls who step into Family Court unaware they've just invited the State to micro-manage their lives, including when and where they vacation until the children reach the age of majority.
The facts are the same throughout the world; More men kill women than the reverse. It follows that now, some aren't opting for divorce at all, (the Scott Peterson mindset)
men who opt for murder instead of a divorce, is ever increasing yet seldom reported in scope. Now it's gotten worse. Some blame the kid.
Dad blames Daughter in Wife's Murder
Male dominated media does not tread to national stats of men murdering women, and themselves.
More details at
(which includes California, where 80% of murdered women are murdered at the hands of their "intimate partner.")
A male dominated press also explains why so many women are killed without widespread attention.
It shakes out like this:Domestic violence, (such a nice name for murder and assault) actually benefits police departments in getting equipment for police personnel, such as bullet-proof vests to wear to calls they choose to answer.
However, in a really Spectacular twist of pretzel logic, the U.S. Supreme Court in Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, ruled the police are not required to Enforce restraining orders.
So thanks to DOJU and the Office On Violence Against Women, the police request through grants in conjunction Family Justice Centers, bullet-proof vests, so they are now safer when answering calls they chose which; Does Not Include Calls From Women To Enforce Restraining Orders.
Yes, police personnel spend so much time pushing restraining orders so they can get equipment, like bullet-proof vests, nation wide from the Office On Violence Against Women.
Women however, are not receiving much in the way of help, (counseling, education, emergency shelter) from the Office On Violence Against Women. The main artery for police department to apply being through various "Family Justice Centers." Click below and scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll see these Family Justice Centers are popping up faster than zits on a teenagers face.
They "centers" began in San Diego, courtesy of their former City Attorney, Casey Gwinn...who spent most of his time in City Hall, lobbying in Washington D.C. for the first Family Justice Center; although his is a Private non-profit.
Franchises anyone? So new, but so already ingrained in the earmarked group, work; we slowly realize government doesn't solve problems. It subsidizes them.
More bad news; it's getting worse. In fact, it's getting Ridiculous. Now comes Memphis, Tennessee and Cumberland House Publishing.
As such recommends boycotting Memphis' Cumberland House Publishers for recently inking a deal with Stephen Baskerville for his skewed view, entitled "Taken Into Custody" a book about poor abused men. Baskerville's website lists skewed stats.
(In this regard the title, "Taken for a Ride" seems more appropriate for the public who should avoid this claptrap.)
Unfortunately, Cumberland House Publishing decided Baskerville has the right idea. Yes, it's men who are abused. Although misogyny is also in law school and law firms,
Enough is enough.
Cumberland House Publishers has sunk to a new low to make a huge profit. Not that Cumberland is Concerned with Facts. Their website already has disclaimers out from other publications. But that's not the point. The point is to sell books no matter the facts.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
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