Saturday, February 21, 2009

NY Times Blows it - again.

NY Times Blog Headline: Buffalo Killing Puts Spotlight on Domestic Abuse

My comment critical of The New York Times article wasn't published. Thus, media contributes to the fallacy of family court...which, unfortunately continues getting people killed.

Reporters don't write that the business of government is: business. Reporters don't write judges consistently rule in a way that benefits all the players. Litigants are but a fuel source.

Media continues to play an important role in keeping the public ignorant. Editors and reporters acting on personal bias rather than information, claim Family Court is a; "he said, she said" as an excuse not to examine its mechanisms as the busiest court in the nation.

Thus media guarantees Family Court; the one court most used, most often...and for the longest period of time remains: ignored. As such reporters and editors are complicit in an unregulated, unexamined industry which routinely shatters families, family resources, and threatens the emotional stability of all concerned. Except those whose income is derived from the industry. Individuals who typically have newer vehicles and own second, vacation homes.

So much for the "fourth estate."

Media bias is exactly why was founded. Someone had to out that the "fourth estate" exists only in the minds of some reporters...but remains wholly absent in the busiest court in the nation.

Although the New York Times coverage sucks in a major league kind of's no more sub-par paper than any other paper in this regard.

The other problem in State Court is media ignores, immunity. Please click "Watch the video" after reading article below about another, Needless murder

Children Murdered During Custody Disputes.
Alphabetized by state, below lists parents killing their children during custody disputes. Parents Murdering Their Kids During a Divorce and Custody Battle.
Is only a partial list. Keeping it absolutely current is a little too depressing.

Stats on Family Violence. - The person most likely to kill you shares your breakfast table.

However, because of the mistakes Congress made last year in passing HR 6048, as an Exception to the "best interests of the child" - more children are getting killed. (Why Congress knowingly put children at risk by knowingly passing so dangerous a Resolution is a question no reporter has asked.)

What Were They Thinking?!

Unfortunately returning troops are ticking time bombs as they are returning with Undiagnosed cases PTSD - made worse by the VA is telling people to stop diagnosing PTSD

(Sadly one key element the Post story didn't report is that Perez is apparently, unlicensed).

Turns out State of Texas web site to document licensed psychologists doesn't list a Norma J. Perez. So how is it Perez, who is apparently unlicensed in the State of
Texas, is the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) honcha for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) facility in the city of Temple, Texas?

So the questions should be: How does the VA diagnose PTSD, how did Perez get her job and just who's responsible for policing the diagnosticians?

Far be it for media to condemn itself for missing an epidemic of financial crimes and family-related murders under their nose. But one thing is absolutely clear:

Media will be INTENSE at the Oscars. After all, that's what really matters.