Sunday, October 4, 2009

Family Court - The Audacity of George Raus Addressed.

This blog was born out of frustration of media Not covering the busiest court in the nation. The one court most used, most often, and for the longest period of time.

So Three cheers to the Post Standard and John O'Brien in dealing with the problem of George Raus who clearly just couldn't quite grasp the role of judge does not include tyrannical behavior.

Between the Minnesota Supreme Court slamming the Family Court Judge Timothy Blakely with no pay and no work after Blakely routed cases to his divorce attorney to reduce his own divorce fees, and Utica's problem knowing they had a cop on the loose, whose wife, Kristin Longo, didn't last four hours, after a hearing, it seems NY might be ready to act.

And not a moment too soon given the number of families that have been murdered in the past two weeks

But there is good news. Crime prevention that saves the state money and police man hours. No kidding. GPS with Victim Notification.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Media Repeatedly Fails to Identify Judge in Cole Frazier Murder.

In spite of a flurry of stories in both print and television reports, not a single editor or producer identified the judge who signed the order which resulted in the police taking Cole Frazier from his mother, Candice Dempsey and handing the toddler over to his father, Timothy Frazier, who promptly killed Cole and himself.

Journalism anyone?

The signing judge was Judge John David, "Jack" Seay. Judge Seay can be found on and case info at

The question of Why the fourth estate is depriving voters of critical information has not yet been answered.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AB 612 pulled. No Vote means victims of parental alienation win. Sort of.

Jim Beall's ill-conceived AB 612 wasn't voted on by the Senate Judicial Committe yesterday, meaning therapists mercifully, now have less of a chance to muddy the waters around parental alienation.

The best example of parental alienation remains:

1. Patty Hearst: kidnapped; then brainwashed to rob banks
2. Elizabeth Smart: kidnapped; when rescued, denied who she was.
3. Sean Hornbeck: kidnapped; when rescued, not keen to see his parents, initially.

Parental alienation remains a physical act of one parent first isolating a child from the other parent or family, and then brainwashing them against the family. This occurs often in family court. The problem is the dogged attachment to the long dead Richard Gardner who testified for the defense in pedophile cases.

This clearly explains why mother-victims of parental alienation syndrome, although victimized - continue to claim it doesn't exist and not recognized by diagnosticians in mental health.

The response to that is: Neither do mental health officials weigh-in on gun shot wounds, another physical act; although it's highly likely just as in parental alienation, the person committing the act has emotional problems.

California's chief judge, Ronald George created the Elkins Task Force to address the state's problematic Family Court, including in this area. Supposedly.

Problem is those in charge of the Elkins Task Force, after inviting the public to be a part of it, refused to allow any public members. Expect more of the same.

See -

In particular, San Diego, which operates much like a third world country. When San Diego judges go to prison for's in p-a-i-r-s.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Deborah Rowe - the ultimate alienated parent?

Seems to us the ultimate alienated parent in the United States is Deborah Rowe, former wife of Michael Jackson.

Also seems to us, that although people have worked to educate the legislature and media about parental alienation, including Parental Alienation Awareness Day, there's a long way to go.

This includes members of the California State Legislature. We remember the day Amber Alerts were instituted, a California State Senator appeared on NBC Nightly News and said parents should be excluded from Amber Alerts.

We are unsure why California legislators don't quite get it, but currently the Senate Judiciary Committee a Bill 612, sponsored by Jim Beall, which would eliminate the civil rights of a parent who were alienated from their chidren, to sue.

We do not understand this as the Supreme Court in other states, have been making custody rulings which include recognizing parental alienation, for years.

Our feeling is legislators were influenced by lobbyists who are unclear that parental alienation is an action, not a mental problem. Lobbyists have deliberately mis-characterized parental alienation, with cozy names as "protective parents" or the New York based, Stop Family Violence. This worries us tremendously as we do not understand why any member of the legislator would deprive parents who were deliberately alienated from their children, the civil right to sue.

We encourage all to write to Judiciary committee and ask they kill this bill. We also encourage media to investigate parental alienation both as a litigation producing opportunity for various therapists, and judges who do not readily address the matter.

The Senate Judiciary Committee includes:

Ellen Corbett or call her at: (916) 651-4010

Tom Harmon or call him at: (916) 651-4035. Ask for Tiffany Conklin

You may call the others:

Mark Leno: 916-651-4003 ask for Barry
Dean Florez: 916-651-4016 ask for Che Salinas
Mimi Walters: 916-651-4033 Garth is on vacation, ask for for Gina Zari

Saturday, February 21, 2009

NY Times Blows it - again.

NY Times Blog Headline: Buffalo Killing Puts Spotlight on Domestic Abuse

My comment critical of The New York Times article wasn't published. Thus, media contributes to the fallacy of family court...which, unfortunately continues getting people killed.

Reporters don't write that the business of government is: business. Reporters don't write judges consistently rule in a way that benefits all the players. Litigants are but a fuel source.

Media continues to play an important role in keeping the public ignorant. Editors and reporters acting on personal bias rather than information, claim Family Court is a; "he said, she said" as an excuse not to examine its mechanisms as the busiest court in the nation.

Thus media guarantees Family Court; the one court most used, most often...and for the longest period of time remains: ignored. As such reporters and editors are complicit in an unregulated, unexamined industry which routinely shatters families, family resources, and threatens the emotional stability of all concerned. Except those whose income is derived from the industry. Individuals who typically have newer vehicles and own second, vacation homes.

So much for the "fourth estate."

Media bias is exactly why was founded. Someone had to out that the "fourth estate" exists only in the minds of some reporters...but remains wholly absent in the busiest court in the nation.

Although the New York Times coverage sucks in a major league kind of's no more sub-par paper than any other paper in this regard.

The other problem in State Court is media ignores, immunity. Please click "Watch the video" after reading article below about another, Needless murder

Children Murdered During Custody Disputes.
Alphabetized by state, below lists parents killing their children during custody disputes. Parents Murdering Their Kids During a Divorce and Custody Battle.
Is only a partial list. Keeping it absolutely current is a little too depressing.

Stats on Family Violence. - The person most likely to kill you shares your breakfast table.

However, because of the mistakes Congress made last year in passing HR 6048, as an Exception to the "best interests of the child" - more children are getting killed. (Why Congress knowingly put children at risk by knowingly passing so dangerous a Resolution is a question no reporter has asked.)

What Were They Thinking?!

Unfortunately returning troops are ticking time bombs as they are returning with Undiagnosed cases PTSD - made worse by the VA is telling people to stop diagnosing PTSD

(Sadly one key element the Post story didn't report is that Perez is apparently, unlicensed).

Turns out State of Texas web site to document licensed psychologists doesn't list a Norma J. Perez. So how is it Perez, who is apparently unlicensed in the State of
Texas, is the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) honcha for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) facility in the city of Temple, Texas?

So the questions should be: How does the VA diagnose PTSD, how did Perez get her job and just who's responsible for policing the diagnosticians?

Far be it for media to condemn itself for missing an epidemic of financial crimes and family-related murders under their nose. But one thing is absolutely clear:

Media will be INTENSE at the Oscars. After all, that's what really matters.