Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AB 612 pulled. No Vote means victims of parental alienation win. Sort of.

Jim Beall's ill-conceived AB 612 wasn't voted on by the Senate Judicial Committe yesterday, meaning therapists mercifully, now have less of a chance to muddy the waters around parental alienation.

The best example of parental alienation remains:

1. Patty Hearst: kidnapped; then brainwashed to rob banks
2. Elizabeth Smart: kidnapped; when rescued, denied who she was.
3. Sean Hornbeck: kidnapped; when rescued, not keen to see his parents, initially.

Parental alienation remains a physical act of one parent first isolating a child from the other parent or family, and then brainwashing them against the family. This occurs often in family court. The problem is the dogged attachment to the long dead Richard Gardner who testified for the defense in pedophile cases.

This clearly explains why mother-victims of parental alienation syndrome, although victimized - continue to claim it doesn't exist and not recognized by diagnosticians in mental health.

The response to that is: Neither do mental health officials weigh-in on gun shot wounds, another physical act; although it's highly likely just as in parental alienation, the person committing the act has emotional problems.

California's chief judge, Ronald George created the Elkins Task Force to address the state's problematic Family Court, including in this area. Supposedly.

Problem is those in charge of the Elkins Task Force, after inviting the public to be a part of it, refused to allow any public members. Expect more of the same.

See -

In particular, San Diego, which operates much like a third world country. When San Diego judges go to prison for's in p-a-i-r-s.

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