Thursday, February 15, 2007

Judge Duncan, having picked litigants dry - now writes a book.

Too savage for business school, ignoring he was a huge part of the problem, and yet after a lifetime of allowing attorneys to feast on the bones and bank accounts of anyone in his court; Judge Roderic Duncan now decides he wants a piece of the divorce industry pie. Duncan figures to cash in with PRE-litigants; for dessert.

Duncan's pr person writes;

"Judge Blasts Divorce Court in Nolo Book"

BERKELEY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--“Whatever you do, try to keep your case out of divorce court — the system stinks,” writes Judge Roderic Duncan in A Judge’s Guide to Divorce: Uncommon Advice from the Bench, new from Nolo. “But if your spouse won’t cooperate and you must go, here’s everything you need to know about surviving the ordeal.”

The veteran divorce-court judge reveals court as a clumsy tool for breaking up a family. It’s adversarial, intrusive and costly. When the law and fairness don’t jive, the judge must side with the law. And when the couple has children, the courtroom experience makes long-term enemies of the two people most important to the kids.

So Duncan recommends you and your spouse reach your own agreements..."


In the "Is this guy for real?" Department: we sadly respond with a resounding "Yes."

Duncan's utterly real and he wants your money. Don't buy it. Ask your librarian (you remember libraries don't you?) to order a copy if you feel you must read it.

But our email history suggests the author was as depraved a judge as the litigants he now sneers about in his book.

In fact, it was Duncan who wrote a scathing letter to attacking litigants after his friend, Judge Michael, "You-Scratch-My-Back-I'll-Scratch-Yours" Dufficy (we're not kidding. Dufficy presented attorneys invited to his ranch/camp home with T-shirts made with this slogan), after Dufficy was outed in a San Francisco publication in an article titled;
Odor in the Court

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